Telecom Human Trafficking Initiative

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Human trafficking is a GLOBAL problem and that includes the United States. An estimated 100,000 young girls and boys are being exploited in the U.S. Some see a low number of reported cases in their state of residency and assume that human trafficking isn’t an issue in that region, however a low number of reported cases does not equal a low number of cases. Human trafficking often goes unreported and is referred to as “the crime that hides in plain sight.”

3Strands Global Foundation was established to protect and empower our children, survivors, and those at-risk. Their goal is to eradicate exploitation by implementing prevention efforts worldwide because they believe that prevention changes everything. 

To help spearhead this human trafficking prevention effort and initiative, a framework for an effective training model was developed. The initiative was named: TATE (Telecommunications Against Trafficking and Exploitation).

Knowing this, the TATE team set out to create a two-step standard procedure, capitalizing on a pre-existing acronym in the industry: RAN. Recognize And Notify.

RECOGNIZE human trafficking
NOTIFY the proper professionals 

View the compilation of training video series on the TATE portal:

PART 1: An Introduction to Human Trafficking
PART 2: How to Recognize Human Trafficking
PART 3: How to Notify and Report

These training videos feature multiple professionals in the telecommunications industry, who have experienced firsthand the impact of this human trafficking prevention training.

To participate in the training or for additional information, access the portal at