Membership Application

NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association was founded by a group of companies whose primary function was erecting, servicing, constructing or maintaining communication towers or similar structures. 

Please complete each section of the Membership Application below and click submit. The NATE Member Services Manager will contact you to review the application. Application must be filled out completely to be considered for membership.

Individual memberships are available for Licensed Design Professionals and Retired NATE Members.

To apply, complete and submit the appropriate application to [email protected].

Licensed Design Professional Membership Application

Retired Membership Application

You must complete this form in one sitting. If you leave this screen prior to submitting, your submission will time-out and you will need to refresh the page and start over.

Contact/Company Information

* Company Name
* Primary Contact First Name
* Primary Contact Last Name
* Primary Contact Title
* Secondary Contact
Secondary Contact Email
* Trade Show Contact
Trade Show Contact Email
* Advertising Contact
Advertising Contact Email
* Billing Contact
Billing Contact Email
* HR Contact
HR Contact Email
* Safety Contact
Safety Contact Email
* Telephone
* Fax
* Mobile/2nd Telephone
(Please Note: All NATE Correspondence will be sent to email entered.)
Do you want your email address to appear on the NATE Member List?
* Number of employees
Number of climbers
Social Media Handles:
Do not enter https:// or http://
Facebook Handle
InstaGram Handle
LinkedIn Handle
Twitter Handle
* Our company is a (Please check all that apply to your company)



* Mailing Address
* Mailing City
* Mailing State
* Mailing Zip
* Mailing Country


* Shipping Address
* Shipping City
* Shipping State
* Shipping Zip


* Billing Address
* Billing City
* Billing State
* Billing Zip

NATE Participation

Are you Interested in Serving on a NATE Committee?
Number of years in the Telecommunications Industry?
Are you currently serving on a NATE Committee?
If yes, what committee do you or have you served on with NATE?
What is your FIRST Committee choice?
What is your SECOND Committee choice?
Please select any other committees you may be interested in?
What other industry or community committee have you served on?
Please tell us about yourself and what value you will bring to the committees you selected as a volunteer.


* Primary Source of Revenue
* Is your company publicly traded?
* Is your company owned by or a division of another company?
If yes, what is the parent company's name?
What is the parent company's primary source of revenue?

Services and Products

Our company MANUFACTURES OR SELLS the following products (Please check all that apply to your company)
Our company PERFORMS the following services (Please check all that apply to your company)
Describe other services offered
Describe other products offered

Membership Level

Select a membership option below.

Principal Contractor Member (Primary Voting Members)

Principal Contractor members are those companies whose primary source of revenue is derived from work at height erecting, servicing, constructing or maintaining communication towers or similar structures (including but not limited to poles, rooftops, water tanks). Principal Contractor members are the only membership classification that has voting rights and each Principal Contractor member company shall have one vote in the Association. Dues are based on the total number of employees, including both office and field personnel.

Number of Employees/Annual Dues:(Please select one)

*Principal Contractor dues will continue in increments of $600 for each 75 employees above 525.

Subsidiary Contractor Member (Non-Voting Members)

Subsidiary Contractor members are those members who are a division, affiliate or subsidiary of a parent company whose primary source of revenue is other than work at height erecting, servicing, constructing or maintaining communication towers or similar structures (including but not limited to poles, rooftops, water tanks). Dues are based on the total number of employees including both office and field personnel.

Number of Employees/Annual Dues:(Please select one)

*Subsidiary Contractor dues will continue in increments of $300 for each 75 employees above 525.

Check which applies to your company: (Please select one)

Affiliate Member

Affiliate members are members who are tower owners, carriers, wireless internet service providers, electrical or gas companies, or FCC license holders. Dues are based on the total number of licenses or sites owned and/or leased.

Associate Member

Associate members are members whose primary source of revenue is derived from consulting, engineering, insurance coverage, legal counseling, training and other tower, broadband and communications infrastructure construction, service and maintenance industry related fields. Dues are based on total gross annual revenue.

Construction Member

Construction members are members who are general contractors or construction management firms whose primary affiliation with the tower, broadband and communications infrastructure construction, service and maintenance industry is conducted through sub-contractors or companies who provide civil, electrical, fiber or ground maintenance services. Dues are based on total gross annual revenue.

Supplier Member

Supplier members are members whose primary source of revenue is generated from the manufacture or resale of products related to the tower, broadband and communications infrastructure construction, service and maintenance industry. Dues are based on total gross annual revenue.

Technology Member

Technology members are members whose primary source of revenue is derived from the manufacturing, sales, and design of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and related software; provides inspection, data acquisition/processing, and commercial services to the tower industry through the operation of UASs (Uncrewed Aircraft Systems); provides training for the operation of UASs; or is a UAS consulting or maintenance firm.

Technology Members are also members whose primary source of revenue is derived from the manufacturing, sales and/or design of new technologies and products associated with 5G Wireless Systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Cities, Mobile Devices, Cloud Computing, Software, Big Data Analytics, Wearables and other emerging innovations. Dues are based on gross annual revenue.

Non-Profit Member

Non-Profit Members are associations, trade organizations, business leagues and chambers of commerce that have an IRS status of 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) or not for profit educational institutions or community colleges. *Applicants are required to supply proof of their 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) status.

Public Entity Member

Public Entity members are classified as any entity that receives public funding, whose affiliation with the communication tower industry includes contracting with tower construction, service and maintenance firms and/or providing public safety services. Examples of this type of membership category include agencies that are involved with Federal, State, Tribal and Local public safety: Emergency Management, EMS First Responders, Law Enforcement and Fire Departments.

Licensed Design Professional Member

NATE Licensed Design Professional Members are individuals who provide engineering and design services to the tower, broadband and communications infrastructure construction, service and maintenance industry.

Retired Member

Retired members are classified as an individual who has been employed in the tower, broadband and communications infrastructure construction, service and maintenance industry for a minimum of five (5) years prior to their retirement. The individual must be retired from a NATE member company or sponsored by a current member company. Retired members are Non-Voting Members and are not allowed to purchase safety and educational materials.

Membership Agreement

Agreement Concerning Confidential Information and Use of NATE Logo

Must be completed and signed by all companies applying for or renewing membership.

We, the undersigned, realize that NATE desires to keep various information about its interests and activities confidential and for NATE member companies only, including information pertaining to NATE financial activities, educational and safety awareness materials and media.

We, the undersigned, understand that, as a benefit of NATE membership, we may be furnished with drawings, data sheets, specific safety programs, videos, processes, specifications and financial information, and that we may acquire other such information concerning NATE programs and activities from conversations with NATE officers or personnel, or from our own observations of NATE’s activities. Information disclosed in documentary forms that NATE considers confidential will be marked “confidential” by NATE. In the case of non-documentary disclosures, NATE will have the obligation to confirm in writing the fact and general motive of each disclosure within a reasonable time after the disclosure occurs.

We, the undersigned, understand that a breach of confidentiality could cause harm to NATE, its officers, member companies, and/or personnel and we agree to use every reasonable effort to maintain confidentiality.

We, the undersigned, understand that as a benefit of NATE membership, we are permitted to display the NATE Logo on our company website, letterhead, business cards, wearables and other materials. Should our NATE membership end whether by our choice, past due account or termination, we are required to remove the NATE Logo from any printed material or website immediately. We, the undersigned, also understand that this benefit applies to ONLY the company as listed on this application and does not apply to any of our affiliated companies and/or parent company.

It is understood that in the course of fulfilling our business commitments, we may have to communicate some of this information with officers, and/or employees in our company. In the event such information is communicated we will inform them of their responsibility of keeping such information confidential and we will make every reasonable effort to ensure that it is kept confidential.

Information that is obtained by a third party source not under obligation to NATE, or information that is considered public domain is not confidential. Drawings, data sheets, specific safety programs, videos, written processes, written specifications and financial information remain the property of NATE and must be returned if so requested by NATE.

Agreed on behalf of
* Company Name
* Authorized Representative
* How did you hear about NATE?
Which Source:

Which Show:


Please Explain:


**NOTE: If errors are found in your submission, a notice will show here. Your submission is not complete until a green confirmation message appears.

*Please click the submit button only once.