Small Cell and DAS Deployment

Small Cell and DAS Deployment Ad Hoc Committee Members

NATE’s Small Cell and DAS Deployment Ad Hoc Committee creates resources and provides guidance to the Association on network densification and related work activities.

Corey Manus
True North Management Services, LLC

Randy Scott
Board Oversight 
Texoma Contracting, Inc.

Drew Colbow
Crown Castle

Michael Porpora

Dan Marks
Crown Castle

Curtis Smith

Scott Holt
Boldyn Networks

Leland Langstraat
ANCO Wireless

Cesar Ruiz
Learning Alliance Corporation

John Foley
Safer Buildings Coalition

William Holick
Ericsson, Inc.

Brian Kooyman
Boldyn Networks

Allan Tantillo
Vertical Bridge REIT, LLC

Mike Motley
KCI Communications Infrastructure

Tim Carman
Small Cell Services

John Rowe
Retired NATE Member

David Jermakian
Dynamic Environmental Associates, Inc.

Sean Shahini
Inorsa Inc.

Scott Keck
Technical Equipment Distributors, Inc

Eric Toenjes
Graybar Electric Company, Inc.

Hamit Aboulkarim
Triple Connect Tower Tech Inc

Ryan MacMillan
Sabre Industries, Inc.

Adam Friedrich
LinkLight Technologies