NATE: The Communications Infrastructure Contractors Association was founded by a group of companies whose primary function was erecting, servicing, constructing or maintaining communication towers or similar structures. Please review the descriptions listed below to determine which category best defines your company.
Principal Contractor Member
Principal Contractor members are those companies whose primary source of revenue is derived from work at height erecting, servicing, constructing or maintaining communication towers or similar structures (including but not limited to poles, rooftops, water tanks). Principal Contractor members are the only membership classification that has voting rights and each Principal Contractor member company shall have one vote in the Association. Dues are based on the total number of employees, including both office and field personnel.
Employees | Annual Dues |
1 – 5 | $1,200 |
6 – 15 | $1,800 |
16 – 30 | $3,000 |
31 – 75 | $4,800 |
76 – 150 | $5,400 |
151 – 225 | $6,000 |
226 – 300 | $6,600 |
301 – 375 | $7,200 |
376 – 450 | $7,800 |
451 – 525 | $8,400 |
* |
*Principal Contractor dues will continue to increase in increments of $600 for each 75 employees above 525.
Subsidiary Contractor Member
Subsidiary Contractor members are those members who are a division, affiliate or subsidiary of a parent company whose primary source of revenue is other than work at height erecting, servicing, constructing or maintaining communication towers or similar structures (including but not limited to poles, rooftops, water tanks). Dues are based on the total number of employees including both office and field personnel.
Employees | Annual Dues |
1 – 30 | $1,800 |
31- 75 | $2,400 |
76 – 150 | $2,700 |
151 – 225 | $3,000 |
226 – 300 | $3,300 |
301 – 375 | $3,600 |
376 – 450 | $3,900 |
451 – 525 | $4,200 |
** |
**Subsidiary Contractor dues will continue to increase in increments of $300 for each 75 employees above 525.
Affiliate Members
Affiliate members are members who are tower owners, carriers, wireless internet service providers, electrical or gas companies, or FCC license holders. Dues are based on the total number of licenses or sites owned and/or leased.
Number of Sites and/or Licenses | Annual Dues |
25 or more | $3,000 |
24 or less | $1,500 |
Associate Members
Associate members are members whose primary source of revenue is derived from consulting, engineering, insurance coverage, legal counseling, training and other tower, broadband and communications infrastructure construction, service and maintenance industry related fields. Dues are based on total gross annual revenue.
Gross Annual Revenue | Annual Dues |
Greater than or equal to $10 million | $3,000 |
Less than $10 million | $1,500 |
Construction Members
Construction members are members who are general contractors or construction management firms whose primary affiliation with the tower, broadband and communications infrastructure construction, service and maintenance industry is conducted through sub-contractors or companies who provide civil, electrical, fiber or ground maintenance services. Dues are based on total gross annual revenue.
Gross Annual Revenue | Annual Dues |
Greater than or equal to $10 million | $3,000 |
Less than $10 million | $1,500 |
Supplier Members
Supplier members are members whose primary source of revenue is generated from the manufacture or resale of products related to the tower, broadband and communications infrastructure construction, service and maintenance industry.
Dues are based on total gross annual revenue.
Gross Annual Revenue | Annual Dues |
Greater than or equal to $10 million | $3,000 |
Less than $10 million | $1,500 |
Technology Members
Technology members are members whose primary source of revenue is derived from the manufacturing, sales, and design of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and related software; provides inspection, data acquisition/processing, and commercial services to the tower industry through the operation of UASs (Uncrewed Aircraft Systems); provides training for the operation of UASs; or is a UAS consulting or maintenance firm.
Technology members are also members whose primary source of revenue is derived from the manufacturing, sales and/or design of new technologies and products associated with 5G Wireless Systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Cities, Mobile Devices, Cloud Computing, Software, Big Data Analytics, Wearables and other emerging innovations. Dues are based on gross annual revenue.
Gross Annual Revenue | Annual Dues |
Greater than or equal to $10 million | $3,000 |
Less than $10 million | $1,500 |
Non-Profit Members
Non-Profit members are associations, trade organizations, business leagues and chambers of commerce that have an IRS status of 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) or not for profit educational institutions or community colleges.
Non-Profit = $500 annual dues
Public Entity Members
Public Entity members are classified as any entity that receives public funding, whose affiliation with the communication tower industry includes contracting with tower construction, service and maintenance firms and/or providing public safety services. Examples of this type of membership category include agencies that are involved with Federal, State, Tribal and Local public safety: Emergency Management, EMS First Responders, Law Enforcement and Fire Departments.
Public Entity = $500 annual dues
Licensed Design Professional (Individual) Member
Licensed Design Professional members are individuals who provide engineering and design services to the tower, broadband and communications infrastructure construction, service and maintenance industry.
Licensed Design Professional (Individual) – $ 500 Annual Membership Dues
To apply, complete and submit the following application to [email protected].
Licensed Design Professional (Individual) Membership Application
Retired NATE (Individual) Member
Retired members are classified as an individual who has been employed in the tower, broadband and communications infrastructure construction, service and maintenance industry for a minimum of five (5) years prior to their retirement. The individual must be retired from a NATE member company or sponsored by a current member company.
Annual dues are $240.00.
To apply, complete and submit the following application to [email protected].
Retired Membership Application
Membership dues are based on a July 1 – June 30 fiscal year.