Have you completed a training course that you found via the NATE EXCHANGE? NATE would like to receive feedback on your course experience. Please complete this form. Thank you! NATE EXCHANGE Course Evaluation Form * Training Course--select--Commercial Drivers License (CDL) TrainingCPR/AED/First AidCrane Operator General Training (In-Person)Digger Derrick Operator General Training (In-Person)Insulating Aerial Device General TrainingNCCCO Crane CertificationNon-Insulating Aerial Device General TrainingAdvanced (Competent Person) Fall Protection CourseBasic (Authorized Person) Fall Protection CourseClimbing Awareness (Authorized Climber) CourseCompetent Climber with Advanced Rescue (Competent Rescuer) CourseCompetent Climber with Basic Rescue (Competent Climber) CourseFall Protection Awareness CourseRope Access Technician Level I (SPRAT) CourseRope Access Technician Level I (SPRAT) for Tower and Communications Workers CourseRope Access Technician Level II (SPRAT) CourseRope Access Technician Level III (SPRAT) CourseAuthorized ClimberAuthorized RescuerConfined Space Entry CertificationOSHA 10-Hour for Construction (Including Tower Erection)OSHA 10-Hour General IndustryOSHA 30-Hour for Construction (Including Tower Erection)OSHA 30-Hour General IndustryQualified Rigger/Hoist/Signaler CertificationRF Safety and Site Safety AwarenessRooftop Fall ProtectionTrain the TrainerWind Turbine RescueCompetent Tower Climber/Rescuer CourseConfined SpaceSPRAT CourseTC1002 – Authorized Climber/RescuerTC2003- Competent Climber/Rescuer34.5 KV Rubber Glove WorkAdvanced Rigging - Transmission & DistributionAerial LiftsAlert DrivingAparejador Competente – (Competent Rigger)Arc Flash SafetyBacking Up SafelyBase Mounted Hoists - Their Design and UseBasic Capstan Hoist PrinciplesBasic Capstan Hoist PrinciplesBasic ElectricityBasic First Aid and CPR for AdultsBasic Rigging Principles -Rigger 1Battery Acid and Spill SafetyBloodborne PathogensBloqueo/Etiquetado (Lockout/Tagout)Bucket Trucks, Part 1Bucket Trucks, Part 2Cable Fault Locating, Part 1 (Radar)Cable Fault Locating, Part 2 (Radar)Cable Splicing, Part 1Cable Splicing, Part 2Cable TerminationsCare and Testing of Tools and EquipmentClimbing Steel Poles and TowersClimbing Wooden PolesCold StressCompetent Climber RefresherCompetent Rigger - Advanced Telecom RiggerComunicacion de Peligros (Hazard Communications)Conciencia de Proteccion contra Caidas (Fall Protection Awareness - Spanish)Confined Spaces in ConstructionCPR and First Aid for Adults - Blended CourseCrane Spotter and Signal Person PrinciplesDistributionDistribution Line Repair - GlovesDistribution Line Repair - Hot SticksDistribution Line SafetyDOT Reasonable Suspicion Supervisor Training- DrugsDriving Large Vehicles and Heavy EquipmentElectrical Safety Introduction (Z-462 for Canada)Equipos de Proteccion Individual y los Riesgos Tipicos en el Lugar de Trabajo (PPE and Typical Site Hazards)Fall Protection AwarenessFall Protection AwarenessFire Extinguisher Safety BasicsFundamentals of RF RadiationFundamentos de la Radiacion de Radiofrecuencia (Fundamentals of RF Radiation)General Electrical Hazard Awareness and NFPA 70E 2018Gin Pole PrinciplesHazard Awareness through the JHA ProcessHazard CommunicationsHeat Stress Symptoms and PreventionHigh Voltage AC Power, Part 1High Voltage AC Power, Part 2Hydraulic DerricksHydraulic Hand Tools, Part 1Hydraulic Hand Tools, Part 2Introduction to Smart GridLadder SafetyLadders and Stepladders for CanadaLockout/TagoutLos Principios Basicos pare el Aparejo -Aparejador I (Basic Rigging - Spanish)Material Handling Bucket TrucksMobile Compressors and Pneumatic ToolsMobile Hydraulic SystemsMultiple Street Lighting SystemsNFPA 70E IntroductionObservador de Grua y Persona de Senalizacion (Crane Spotter & Signal Person - Spanish)OSHA 10 Hour for ConstructionOSHA 30 Hour for ConstructionOverhead Troubleshooting, Part 1Overhead Troubleshooting, Part 2 - Emergency ConditionsPad-Mounted Transformers and SwitchgearPatogenos de Transmision (Bloodborne Pathogens)Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Typical Site HazardsPole Framing and GuyingPole Top Equipment & Replacement, Part 1Pole Top Equipment & Replacement, Part 2Pole Top Transformer ReplacementPrincipios Basicos del Cabrestante para Izar ( Basic Capstan Hoist - Spanish)Principles of Bucket Truck OperationsRadio Frequency Safety Officer (RFSO)Rigging for High Voltage Line WorkRigging, Part 1Rigging, Part 2Rough Terrain Forklift SafetySafe Bucket Truck OperationsSafe Forklift OperationSafety in Overhead Line MaintenanceSafety in Substations and SwitchyardsSafety in Transmission and Distribution MaintenanceSafety in Underground Line MaintenanceSeries and Street LightingSetting and Replacing PolesSmart Mental Health: Managing Anger and EmotionsSmart Mental Health: Reducing Stress and AnxietyTecnico de Torre de Telecomunicacion - Curso de Preparacion para el examen ( TTT-1 Exam Prep Course - Spanish)Telecom Tower Technician I Exam Prep CourseTelecom Tower Technician II Exam Prep CourseTemporary StructuresThe Job Hazard Assessment (JHA) ProcessTransformer Connections, Part 1Transformer Connections, Part 2Transformer TroubleshootingTransmissionTransmission and Distribution: Distribution Line Installation and RemovalTransmission and Distribution: Distribution Line ReplacementTransmission and Distribution: Focus on DistributionTransmission and Distribution: Framing Specifications and Basic Construction DiagramsTransmission and Distribution: Introduction to Transmission and Distribution SystemsTransmission and Distribution: Overhead Distribution SystemsTransmission and Distribution: Pad-Mounted Transformers and SwitchgearTransmission and Distribution: Power QualityTransmission and Distribution: Service InstallationTransmission and Distribution: Substations and SwitchyardsTransmission and Distribution: Transmission Line InstallationTransmission and Distribution: Transmission Line SafetyTransmission and Distribution: Underground Residential Distribution SystemsTransmission and Distribution: Using Line Test EquipmentTransmission and Distribution: Using Various Types of Electrical Diagrams and Geospatial Information SystemsTransmission and Distribution: Working on Distribution PolesTransmission Line Repair - Bare Hand MethodTransmission Line Repair - Hot SticksTransmission StructuresTree Trimming, Part 1Tree Trimming, Part 2Trenching and Excavation SafetyTroubleshooting Overhead LinesUnderground Cable InstallationWHMIS 2015Fall Protection Administrator CourseTOWER CLIMBER and RESCUE - Competent PersonTOWER CLIMBER and RESCUE - Competent TrainerTOWER CLIMBER and RESCUE - Competent Trainer - RefresherTOWER CLIMBER and RESCUE - RefresherCompetent Tower Climber/RescuerAuthorized Tower Climber/RescuerCanada Safety Code 6 - RF1008 ( English)Canada Safety Code 6 - RF1008F (French)Cold Weather Safety CW1004Construction Worker RF Safety - RF1003 (English)Construction Worker RF Safety - RF1003S (Spanish)General Occupations RF Safety - RF1004Hazard Communications Training - GHS1006 (English)Hazard Communications Training - GHS1006S (Spanish)Heat Stress Safety - HS1007RF Safety AwarenessTower Worker RF Safety - RF1002S (Spanish)Tower Worker RF Safety RF1002 (English)Advanced Outside Plant TechnicianCertified FTTH Professional (CFHP)Emergency RestorationFiber Optics 1-2-3Fiber Optics for Utilities Level 1Fiber Optics for Utilities Level 2FTTx OSP DesignOSP for Installers & TechniciansOTDR Testing Deep Dive WorkshopSplicing Deep Dive WorkshopAdvanced Confined SpacesConfined Space BasicsConfined Spaces RescueMonopole Rescue (Authorized Rescuer)SPRAT Level ISPRAT Level IISPRAT Level IIITower Fall Protection and Rescue (Competent Climber/Authorized Rescuer)Wind Turbine Fall Protection and Rescue (Competent Climber/Authorized Rescuer)Authorized Tower Climber and RescuerBloodbourne Pathogens, First Aid, CPR and AEDCompetent Tower Climber and RescuerOSHA 10-Hour Construction ClassOSHA 30-Hour Construction ClassPermit Required Confined SpaceQualified Rigger and Signal Person for the Tower IndustryRF Site Safety AwarenessTower ApprenticeTower Foreman/SupervisorTower LeadAerial Work PlatformCapstan Hoist OperationsCrane Spotter or SignalFall Protection and RescueHazard AwarenessJob Hazard AssessmentRF AwarenessRigging PrinciplesAerial Lift OperationsAerial Lift Operations - OnlineAuthorized Climber/Rescuer (NATE CRTS Compliant)Bloodborne Pathogens - OnlineCapstan Hoist OperationsCapstan Hoist Operations - OnlineCompetent Climber/Rescuer (NATE CRTS Compliant)Competent Climber/Rescuer - Train the Trainer (NATE CRTS Compliant)Competent RiggingCompetent Rigging - Train the TrainerCrane Spotter Signal PersonCrane Spotter Signal Person - OnlineDropped Objects Prevention - OnlineElectrical Safety - OnlineFirst Aid/CPR Blended LearningFundamentals of RF/EME AwarenessFundamentals of RF/EME Awareness - OnlineFundamentos de RF/EME RadiaciónGin Pole and Hoist OperationsHazard Awareness of Telecom Sites - OnlineHazard CommunicationsHazard Communications (Spanish) - OnlineHazard Communications - OnlineIntro to Confined Space - OnlineLockout/Tagout - OnlineOSHA 10 Construction (Spanish) - OnlineOSHA 10 Construction - OnlineOSHA 30 Construction (Spanish) - OnlineOSHA 30 Construction - OnlineAdvanced Fall Protection Safety and Rescue CourseATV/UTV Operator Safety CourseAuthorized (Standard) Fall Protection Safety and Rescue CourseBucket Truck / Aerial Lift TrainingConfined Space TrainingCustom Snow Cat Operations TrainingFall Protection Custom TrainingFall Protection Safety & Rescue Train-the-TrainerNWSA EvaluationPole Top Climbing and Rescue TrainingRigging TrainingRisk Assessment, Safety Audit and ConsultingRope Access Training (SPRAT)Snow Cat Operator Skills Enhancement and Recertification CourseSnowcat Operator CertificationSnowmobile Operator Safety CourseWind Turbine Climbing and Rescue CertificationWinter Survival TrainingBroadband Fiber Installation (BFI)Broadband Fiber Transport Specialist (BFTS) CurriculumBroadband Wireless Specialist (BWS) CurriculumElectrical FundamentalsMobility EssentialsRF System TheoryAdvanced Rigging and Rescue CourseStandard Fall Protection CourseAerial Lift Safety TrainingAuthorized Climber/RescuerCompetent Climber/RescuerFall Protection (Authorized Climber)First Aid/CPR/AEDCompetent Person PPE InspectorCompetent Tower Climber/RescuerRope Access Certification Course (SPRAT®)TowerTek * Date Taken (01/01/2018) * Date Taken (01/01/2018) * Instructor(s) * Instructor(s) Student's Job Title Student's Job Title Years of Experience Years of Experience Please take a moment to share your opinions about this program. Check the appropriate boxes and write your comments in the spaces provided. Expectation Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable The training met my expectations Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable The training objectives were clearly defined Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable The amount of material was appropriate for the time allotted Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable The instructor demonstrated knowledge of the material and came to class well prepared Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable The instructor communicated effectively Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable The training aids (handouts, visual aids, etc.) were useful Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable The course and class sessions were organized Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable The course objectives were achieved Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable Suitable facilities and equipment were provided Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable The class allowed for student participation / discussion Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable How could this training program be improved? How could this training program be improved? If you would like to be contacted by the NATE office, please include your name, email address and telephone number below. Name Name Email Email Phone (555-555-5555) Phone (555-555-5555) **NOTE: If errors are found in your submission, a notice will show here. Your submission is not complete until a green confirmation message appears.