EXCHANGE Course Evaluation Form

Have you completed a training course that you found via the NATE EXCHANGE? NATE would like to receive feedback on your course experience. Please complete this form. Thank you!

NATE EXCHANGE Course Evaluation Form

* Training Course
* Date Taken (01/01/2018)
* Instructor(s)
Student's Job Title
Years of Experience

Please take a moment to share your opinions about this program. Check the appropriate boxes and write your comments in the spaces provided.

Expectation Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Not Applicable
The training met my expectations
The training objectives were clearly defined
The amount of material was appropriate for the time allotted
The instructor demonstrated knowledge of the material and came to class well prepared
The instructor communicated effectively
The training aids (handouts, visual aids, etc.) were useful
The course and class sessions were organized
The course objectives were achieved
Suitable facilities and equipment were provided
The class allowed for student participation / discussion

How could this training program be improved?

If you would like to be contacted by the NATE office, please include your name, email address and telephone number below.

Phone (555-555-5555)

**NOTE: If errors are found in your submission, a notice will show here. Your submission is not complete until a green confirmation message appears.