Addressing the Serious Issues Facing All Employers from the COVID-19 Coronavirus
On Tuesday, March 24 at 11 AM EDT/10 AM CDT/9 AM MDT/8 AM PDT, Edwin G. Foulke, Jr., a partner in the Atlanta office of Fisher & Phillips LLP and Howard Mavity, also a partner in the Atlanta office of Fisher & Phillips LLP conducted a live webinar entitled “Addressing the Serious Issues Facing all Employers from the COVID-19 Coronavirus”.
The Coronavirus has now spread to almost every state in the United States and is causing significant disruptions in the workplace. Further spread of the coronavirus is likely more a question of when, not if. US government officials are developing additional plans to respond to this virus which is now being declared a pandemic. In an effort to boost the government’s response to the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak, the U.S. Congress passed the Family First Coronavirus Response Act this past weekend, as well as, an economic stimulus plan aimed at addressing the impact on COVID-19 on all Americans and American businesses. This program will examine the significant and growing impact of the Coronavirus on the workplace.
The webinar discussed these topics:
· What employers’ responsibilities are; what they need to know about the coronavirus and how to limit its spread.
· What employers’ responses could be and what and how they are limited under federal and state law.
· The impact of the Family First Coronavirus Response Act on employers and what rights employees have under this new legislation.
Click here to view the webinar.
Click here to view the PowerPoint.