RF System Theory

Sctecablelabs2021 Full Rgb

Course Category:

This interactive course is designed to ensure learners record proper RF signal levels and verify RF quality within the various upstream and downstream portions of the cable network. Learners will be able distinguish between key attributes, assignments and the technologies that use RF. Learners will differentiate between the time and frequency domain to identify how transmission lines affect RF. Finally, learners will identify how to use power splitters, filters, directional couplers and other RF passive devices correctly in the cable network.

Recommended Prerequisites
-SCTE Understanding Cable Technology
-SCTE Broadband Premises Installation

Upon successful completion
-SCTE Course Completion Certificate
-1 Recertification Units (RUs) toward SCTE certification renewal

Course Syllabus

View Course Website


*This course is discounted for NATE members.