Clyde Murphy
Nate Win Logo 2022

Clyde Murphy

Clyde Murphy

Murphy Tower Service, LLC
20220 Highway 5
Carlisle , IA 50225
United States

Business: 515-975-1278
Email: [email protected]

Clyde Murphy is the Chief Operations Officer at Murphy Tower Service. Being he is one of the owners of a family run business, his responsibilities go beyond overseeing operations. Clyde also works very closely with the marketing department, building relationships with customers, and looking for new business and opportunities. He doesn’t live to work, but works to live. You can catch him at many sporting events and concerts.

Clyde has participated in the NATE Washington DC Fly-In, and firmly believes that our industry needs strong voices to get our Association’s message of safety, quality, standards, and education in order to reach all stakeholders in the wireless ecosystem.

Clyde has seen the integrity, quality, and safety in the industry progress over the years, and is sure that NATE has been an integral part of the progress. He looks forward to this continuing for years to come.

Clyde Murphy is the State Liaison for Iowa.