Base Mounted Hoists – Their Design and Use

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There are many different types of hoisting mechanisms used in various industries; this course is specific to the telecommunications industry and uses the A10.48 standard as the foundation for the information provided in the course.

A base mounted hoist is a hoist mechanism that sits on the ground and is used to lift loads vertically up a structure using a load line. The load line typically travels through a heel block at ground level and a crown block, or rooster head of a gin pole, at the top of the structure. Due to the varying types of hoists and their designated uses, the employer must determine when an individual is qualified to operate a specific piece of equipment based on the training that individual has received and their level of practical experience.

This course will focus on providing information on the design and use of base mounted hoists for individuals operating and working with and around hoists. While the main focus of the course is the base mounted hoist, the associated topics of rigging and the components needed for lifting personnel with a base mounted hoist will also be covered.

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*This course is discounted for NATE members.